The Teno Rural Park is yet another protected area in Tenerife which complements the biological diversity and uniqueness of the island. Species pertaining to both the animal and the vegetal kingdoms yield further incentives for those passionate about nature investigations and explorations. However, the park is also valuable as to the historic heritage it amasses. Sundry vestiges dating back to the Guanche age can be spotted here. In addition, the park can be considered a hub of rural tourism in Tenerife, with an emphasis on the preservation of traditional activities which, precisely by means of rural tourism, manage to get popularized and appreciated for what they are. The park fills an area of more than 8,000 hectares, stretching or neighboring upon several municipalities: El Tanque, Buenavista del Norte, Santiago del Teide, Los Silos. After exploring the few picturesque Canarian villages sunken in the lush greenery of the park, tourist can head for Punta de Teno, the westernmost point of the island, which is overlooked by a lighthouse and offers excellent views to various spots on Tenerife, such as Los Gigantes Cliffs.

Teno Rural Park
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